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Brewhouse Yard Visitor Experience, Nottingham.

Nestled at the foot of Castle Rock in Nottingham are a set of cottages that were once homes and workplaces of ordinary people, quite different to the Castle itself.

Across the centuries of Brewhouse Yard from 1900s & back in time to 1650s the visitor discovers the history behind the cottages & their relevance as a key centre for Nottinghams renowned textile industry. Learning through stories, discovered on tags badged with our character and immersing themselves within each room, guests are guided by our 12 year old narrator as she helps you to explore each century and learn about the real life people that lived and worked there.


Room design, layout & set dressing: AFSB

Graphic Design and Interpretation: Charlie Feast

Historian: Susanna Austin

Historic Costume Maker: Meridith Towne

Set works: The Hub

Graphic contractor: Displayways

Artistic painter: Jonathan Monk

Window graphic and installation: Print4

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